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The TM Forum NaaS framework decouples network and OSS to enable dual-speed digital transformation

The TM Forum-proposed Network-as-a-service (NaaS) framework is designed to help communication service providers (CSPs) accelerate digital transformation and enhance service agility by decoupling the Operational Support Systems (OSS) and Business Support Systems (BSS) from the underlying networks. This framework leverages model-driven abstraction and open APIs to expose all network capabilities and resources – virtual and physical – into a service catalogue so that CSPs can compose services dynamically and automate service lifecycle management. Another concept of NaaS has emerged, which is a business model that is similar to the popular Software-as-a-service (SaaS) model, where CSPs expose network services to offer enterprise business services and put the end-customer in control of when, what, and how much of those services they want to consume using digital channels such as self-service portals. However, these seemingly different concepts of NaaS are aligned and complimentary. By simplifying and standardizing communications between the OSS/BSS and the network, they will bolster CSPs’ ability to make on-demand services like 5G network slicing a success. Anil Rao is the Research Director and Lead Analyst for network and service automation research at Analysys Mason, covering a broad range of topics on the existing and new-age operational systems that will power operators’ digital transformations.His main areas of focus include automation of service creation, provisioning and service operations in NFV/SDN-based networks, 5G, IoT and edge clouds; the use of analytics, ML and AI to increase operations efficiency and agility; and the broader imperatives around operations automation and zero touch networks.

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