Streamline and automate the planning, deployment, and operations of fiber broadband services
As broadband networks and services evolve, it becomes increasingly complex and challenging for operators to plan, deploy, and operate them in an agile manner. These challenges include: a rapid increase in the number of end devices and services, the siloed and fragmented nature of legacy operational support systems, the mix of physical and virtual network resources and services being delivered across multiple vendors and domains, and a reliance on manual, error-prone operational processes. As a result, operators face inefficiencies such as swivel chair management that slows time to market and creates poor end customer experiences.
Blue Planet offers a modularized solution that simplifies and automates any mix of plan-to-build, order-to-service, and trouble-to-resolve processes for fiber broadband services. The solution includes three product applications. Blue Planet Inventory (BPI) provides a unified, accurate, end-to-end view of hybrid network resources and services topology for end-to-end visualization and efficient planning. Blue Planet Orchestration (BPO) simplifies the end-to-end orchestration of services across multiple physical and virtual technology domains. Blue Planet Unified Assurance and Analytics (UAA) harnesses the power of advanced analytics and AI to provide real-time network and service assurance.
Blue Planet’s fiber broadband automation solution is built on our Cloud Native Platform (CNP), a modern OSS that converges design, delivery, and assurance software applications to eliminate inefficient operational silos and help streamline the introduction and delivery of innovative services across network domains and vendors.

British Telecom accelerates fiber service activation and reduces new build costs by 50%
BT needed to reduce the number of legacy systems and simplify order processing and service activation
Virgin Media Ireland automates the delivery of next-gen fiber broadband services
Virgin Media Ireland wanted to transition to a full fiber network to improve the end user customer experience
Business benefits

Streamlines planning with a unified inventory of hybrid network resources and services and optimizes route design for greater operational efficiency.

Automates service creation and activation for reduced errors and faster time to market.

Enables assurance of passive devices by leveraging artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) to accelerate issue resolution.

Supports achievement of sustainability targets by evaluating power consumption of network devices, decommissioning of legacy systems, and optimal path routing.