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Webinar – SD-WAN Impact on Service Providers – Threat or Opportunity

SD-WAN is emerging as a critical new SDN use case, promising enterprises a simpler and more cost-effective way to operate virtualized WAN connectivity between their branches and data centers.

Industry analysts are predicting unprecedented growth, with one forecasting that 30% of enterprises will have deployed SD-WAN by the end of 2019.

As the WAN becomes increasingly virtualized, some service providers are concerned that SD-WAN is a threat.

But maybe it’s an opportunity in disguise.

Watch this on-demand webinar where Lee Doyle, Principle Analyst at Doyle Research, will provide an overview of SD-WAN technology, as well as its impact on service providers, including:

  • Benefits of SD-WAN for enterprises
  • The managed SD-WAN opportunity for service providers
  • Differentiating and operationalizing managed SD-WAN Services

If you’re interested in learning more about the SD-WAN trend, and its effect on the service provider ecosystem, you can’t miss this webinar.

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